Just another day.


To me this is my kind of staple wardrobe and probably has been since October. I wear this skirt weekly and it is generally paired with a similar look, t-shirt, cardigan and leggings. And then some from of long and chunky necklace it's just easy to wear. And even though the weathers hotting up this look still works fine you just remove or swap a few items around.

I want to keep this post very short because it's been really bugging me how I seem to find it impossible to write anything and then when I do its usually a lot to actually read. So I'll just tell you what I'm wearing, everything but the leggings ans shoes is Dorothy Perkins I have a shop in my town so I do tend to buy a lot from the store but also I just really like the stuff in there. I wear this skirt to death as well as my much loved/abused cardigan! The Necklace is new to the blog though I've had it for quite a while I recently had the battery replaced and I feel it just finishes an outfit off nicely. Its also insanely practical being clock as well. My shoes are Evans ones I never have of my feet which have now gone to shoe heaven, my mum has been nagging me for sometime to throw them away and after my toe being on the ground I felt it was time to say goodbye, so now I'm on the hunt for either another pair on eBay or some new shows which are similar if you see any let me know! My leggings are from the basics at Matalan and are probably some of the best leggings I've had.

My make up is very natural as me and my brother were walking benji our neighbours dog at the time so it wasn't worth the layers of make up. And finally my hair is its usual mess plus it was crazy windy that day!

I'm off to get my eyes tested tomorrow so lets see if I need new glasses or not.
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  1. oh hai! you look really great love that blue skirt! goodluck at the doctors :)



  2. Awwww how cute are you Mrs!!!

  3. Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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Thank you! I try to read every comment I get and if I don't reply on here find me on twitter (@rosieroundface) and let me know!

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