There'll be love and laughter and peace ever after.

This is my second attempt at drawing the dress below. I also did a quick sketch in my journal then transferred it onto a model so the shape flowed better. The drawing still isn't finished I
need to add colour and possibly photoshop it if I have time.

This dress is a uniform for a radio operator in the Second World War. The woman that wore this almost got caught by "the enemy" while carrying her suitcase with her radio equipment in, luckily she was quick thinking and sharp and thanks to he uniform being a pale blue with white trimming she told them that she was a nurse and "the enemy" told her to get out and leave, which means her outfit saved her job from being found out and also her own life. This makes me think can the way we dress really save our lives? well it seems in this instance it can!

The style of this dress is very much like a tea dress its easy to wear and comfortable and if your decoding radio signals 24 hours a day you don't want to not be able to breath in something very fitted. This is what I especially like about this dress, the simplicity of the shape and style. I think its the slight a-line from the waist and the cute intricate detailing on the chest and collar just make it a little more interesting. I am taking some influences from this uniform for pieces in my own collection such as the collar and structure of the dress.

What do you think of this uniform, would you wear it?
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Thank you! I try to read every comment I get and if I don't reply on here find me on twitter (@rosieroundface) and let me know!

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