This little post is just to show you guys what I've been up to over the last week or so, lets just say its been a varied week but its also been so fun as well. I still have the stresses of college and creating my garments ( I'll show you those in a future post) but I had a two day week for enrichment and my tooth has finally been sorted, so obviously my weeks been good! I also became my 13 year old self again on Monday when I queued up at stupid o'clock to meet One Direction, and if you don't know who these beautiful boys are they came third in the last xfactor. So I got the train at 6.22AM and was running down to market street in Manchester at 6.50AM and they were already queuing for what seemed like MILES but me and my lovely friend eleanor managed to get into the last 100 wristbands and got to briefly meet the boys that evening. And yes I did make a prat of myself I shouted at Harry "I know your neighbours but not in a weird way" where he then asked me which ones and how (it was almost a conversation!) then I shook Zayns hand and told him it was lovely to meet him and I got a wink from the lad. okay my teenage girl rant is over now.
Finally on to my outfit post this was taken just before I went out for my friends 18th. We just went as a big group for a meal, yes this was my more mature part of the week. I think you've probably seen all these pieces on the blog before but in different looks! The top I'm wearing is from Dorothy Perkin's and is actually pretty long and very baggy I could of done with downing a size or two, I have a stretch vest underneath from Marks and Spencer's because the shirt its self is rather low cut. I'm wearing one of my favourite skirts which I got in the sale from Dorothy Perkins for 3 pounds before Christmas I wear it all the time with everything, It's one of those pieces that will always look good and that I will feel comfortable in. These are paired with my thick black tights which are a serious wardrobe staple along with a black cardigan, another staple. My jewelry is simple and all I'm wearing is my vintage cameo brooch, well I say vintage my mum found it in the charity shop for £1.49. And I finished the look with a slick of red lipstick and my hair put up.
and below is my only half decent picture I got before we were told not to have posed photographs. (as much as I love one direction and all the boys are charming, there security are such mards!)
lovely outfit! :)
They're such cuties! I'm a big Aiden Grimshaw fan x
ReplyDeleteBanned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
Obat Tradisional Untuk Ibu Hamil Yang Aman
Menghilangkan Masalah Tumor Pada Bibir
Cara Menghilangkan Radang Selaput Hidung Dengan Herbal
Cara Menghilangkan Nyeri Dada Dengan Herbal
Obat Tradisional Insomnia Akut
Obat Herbal Menghilangkan Sesak Nafas
Obat Infeksi Tulang Dan Radang Sendi
Obat Untuk Menghilangkan Kanker Perut
Vitamin Untuk Megatasi Kulit Kering
Obat Sakit Dan Kering Pada Bagian Mata
You look stunning. Joe Biden Jacket