

“She’s moderately unpopular, which makes a romance between the two of us more likely. She’s also a girl. To be seen with her would improve my street cred, which, though high, could be higher.”

I really wanted to share with you some of my favourite snaps and quotes from the film "Submarine" I just watched this film and I am now obsessed with it and as importantly Craig Roberts who plays the main fella Oliver Tate he was also in tracy beaker and young dracula for those people as cool as me to still watch cbbc! I'm just going to leave quotes from the film through out this post as its just that good!

" I asked if she was my girlfriend now. She said I'll think about it.

But yes this film is AMAZING the shots and typography is just stunning and its quirky, maybe a little weird which is exactly what I love in a film. There is a backhanded kind of romance which had my crying because yes I am an emotional wreck. Some of the things that Oliver comes out with are just brilliant and witty and ingenious. I don't really know what else to say but if your into indie films its seriously worth a watch! I'll end with some none Submarine related news, I've had my haircut it feels so much shorter even though its not and hopefully I'll get some pictures taken tomorrow for outfits posts through the next week!

"You are the only person who I would allow to be shrunk down to a microscopic size and swim inside me in a tiny submersible machine… You are too good for me, too good for anyone."
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  1. I've never seen or heard of it - now I'm intrigued! xXx

  2. I have the book on my bookshelf, and have been meaning to read it - have you read it, or just seen the film?

    I got obsessed with Brighton Rock (the new one with Sam Riley) and I loved the new take on it.

    K x

  3. It is my all time fave Craig Roberts is from Bargoed which is right by me and I saw him in Tescos and was creeping around after him and wanted to say hi but I ran away. Such a loser.
    The book sis amazing too, even more funny.

    Have to agree with MissKathryn, Brighton Rock is great and I lvoe Sam Riley, he was great in the film Control too xx

  4. I've been wanting to see this for sister and brother-in-law have seen it and really recommended it, which I always take as a good advertisment as generally speaking there's crossover in taste!

    I've seen both versions of Brighton Rock as I studied the novel at university (saw the new one in the cinema as recreation though!) and I really enjoyed everyone that was in it, but the black and white version actually stands up against it, I think!

    I loved Control....but then its quite arty and as a former film student, I like arty-farty stuff (which is why I'll prob like Submarine!)

    Only thing I've ever seen Craig Roberts in was Becoming Human, the Being Human spin-off, which wasnt half bad and he certainly played a good part!

    But where do I recognise the girl from?

  5. Everyone around me is obsessed with Submarine. I had been sort of trying to avoid it because I try to avoid anything that has to do with Manic Pixie Dream Girls (500 days of Summer, for example), buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I fucking ADORE Richard Ayoade and something tells me he wouldn't really go for that caricaturesque portrayal of a woman only being there to change a man's life. And Paddy Considine (umf!) is there. And I sort of like Alex Turner and consider him one of the few salvageable singer-musician-songwriters of his generation. And some friends told me the girl looks tons like me (when I had that hair) and they were thinking about me all the time (aww). So now I'm sort of caving in and as soon as we get broadband, I will be watching it and shall tell you my final veredict. :P

    Oh, and Control is GREAT. I spent half the film sobbing, as a Joy Division fan. But I guess that's a good thing?

  6. The book is sooooo so much better! Oliver was too nice in this, he's actually a real little bastard at times haha. x

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