Unleash - Dear Scantilly


Unleash set by Dear Scantilly (via Curvy Kate). Glasses from Specsavers. Hair Flower by Pin Up Curl.

Before I ramble further I just want to say the only editing on these photos is altering the light as I took these in my studio space and the lighting sucks there even at the best times of day! I'm going to try and not to ramble on this post but I probably still will! If you've been following my blog since the start (god help you!) you'll have seen how I've changed as a person which is something I love about running A Rose Like This for so long. These type of images are something I'd never think I'd be posting in the future back then but you know what I fucking love them. Are they perfect, no? Do I wish there was perfect lighting and I could pose like a professional, maybe but you know what this is me and where I am at this point in my life. Almost 24 and pretty much accepting my body as it is because hell it's the only one I'll ever have. Sure sometimes I think it would be easier if I wasn't fat but doesn't everyone feel like that sometimes? So here I am my size 20 body, cellulite, wobbly bits and all.

If you haven't tried any lingerie from Dear Scantilly you seriously need to. this set and another half cup bra from them I own make me feel like I could take on the world! Even if I'm just wearing really boring clothes over them! I'm wearing a 38E as I do with any Curvy Kate products and it fits well and more inportantly the band is comfortable to wear. I also love these high waist bottoms which have a cute cut out on the back, I actually ordered the largest size they do and could have easily sized down! 

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