A few weeks ago I attended Twinwood Festival with work and camped, now I'm not one for camping if I'm honest... I can survive but it's not something I take great joy in (waking up in a damp sleeping bag from rolling into the tent walls is a mild nightmare) and though we did have nice showers they could end up full of moths etc and I actually felt cleaner using these fab wipes than I did getting into the shower. So these Equip+ wipes were a life saver!
I tried everything bar the shampoo cap while I was there, (as I had my hair in vintage styles the whole time and it's easier to do these actually on dirtier hair!) and for when showering is impossible or a pain in the bum these are perfect, I felt clean, fresh the whole weekend and they don't have that horrible feeling babywipes leave on your skin when used! I've also got dry and rather sensitive skin and these didn't upset my skin at all which also really surprised me as I tend to find similar things such as face wipes actually dry my skin out a lot and I found out the hard way while away and by the 4th day the skin on my face was in a right state! As as Girl Guiding leader and baby sitter I've also found these really handy for keeping in my bag when we go on little trips with my rainbow unit and when I'm baby sitting as someone always ends up either muddy or spilling something down them!
The guys over at Equip+ have been good enough to offer you my lovely readers the chance to win a set of their fabulous products to try for yourselves. All you need to do is enter below!