The Answer


I have a very long answer for why I've been neglecting my little space of the internet so long but that will have to wait for another day and another post. Instead of being concerned as to whether anyone is reading or growing my following I've decided to go back to the roots of my blog where I posted a mix of creative work, outfits and music videos (new and old) I'd share with my opinions, so here we are. 

Jamie Lawson is someone I discovered in October 2014 prior to him having a record deal. He had known Ed Sheeran from the folk circuit way back when and Ed asked him on a whim to support his support act at Manchester Arena, less than a year later Jamie had a number one single and a record deal with Gingerbread Records. 

This is the first single from his third album (well third album he's released as a signed artist?) and he may not have grown to the global success of Sheeran but his music is from deep in his soul and you can hear that throughout every lyric. I took my dad to his tour back in 2016 for his first album and my dad said it was bit depressing (which some of the songs can be and yes I've now had at least a few tears each time I've seen him live)

I'm going to leave you with the opening verse because yeah. Just listen. 

If I ask too many questions
It's cause I can't quite comprehend
How my soul's in your possession
How in the world it all makes sense
Is there any explanation
How you're always in my head
Why does my heart beat irregular rhythm
Could it be the touch that your hands keep giving

Your love this the answer.

Vintage Style and Victory Rolls.


Dress: Collectif Clothing. Bag:Vintage, thrifted. Hair flowers: H&M.

All images by Antony Cartwright.

A few weeks ago when all the glorious weather started (I'm getting sick of it now but come August when I'm away I'll miss the sunshine!) I went to one of my favourite vintage fairs. Vintage Village at Stockport, I believe it's usually the second Sunday of each month. Anyway if you're into vintage/retro finds its a must particularly if you don't live to far away. Because I'm so cool I always go with my folks. this time I didn't actually find anything myself to buy but my dad quite often does! 

Whenever we go I always try to pull out the more retro side of my personal style and because it's summer I finally broke out this dress I picked up in the Huge 50% off everything sale Collectif do a few times a year. (here's hoping it's about time for another one as I have a few things on my wishlist!)  I've had to alter it to fit me better but I expect that because I'm an awkward shape. It was warm that day so I thought it would be best to have my hair off my face but it had been so long since I did victory rolls on my own head I have to admit they aren't my best work! I'm also still surprised that I had any curl left in my hair when these photos were taken! Antony saw me with my folks and asked my dad if he could take my photograph because I was dressed up! My dad couldn't stop laughing seeing as I'm 25 now and you know what I'm glad Antony got some snaps for me because otherwise I wouldn't have any photos to show of the last time I looked half decent! However it has been so long since anyone took my photo I have to say I was more than a little rusty which is why my expression is bit resting bitch face! 

Evita! - Endellion Theatre Company April 2018


At the end of March I started working on Endellion's production of Evita which took place in a church (the scale of staging was insane, I have never seen anything quite like it!) A vast majority of the costumes had arrived prior to me joining the team due to prior commitments and illness on my part. It was indeed a crazy few weeks with a lot of tears and self doubt but I came out the other side having learnt a lot about myself and what I can handle. I also made some amazing friends from backstage crew to the fabulous cast we had, I was extremely lucky to work with so many talented people in one place and mostly ones that were on the same wave length as me. 

My title for this job was Costume Supervisor and I worked on the menswear department.

 Below a selection of the wonderful men who I was in charge of! Full uniforms hired from Flame Costumiers half military a mixture of Loft Costume Hire and sourced braces and granddad shirts by me. The womens department was full of pretty dresses, all the accessories you can imagine and some fabulous hat but I have to admit I love working with a group of guys probably because I'm the least ladylike person imaginable and just get stuck in. 

Wig setting not done by me! Done by the amazing John Cumberlidge who is the reason I got into theatrical wig work! However I was his assistant from 5.30pm until 7pm each show night to wrap the ladies hair in preparation for wigs after this I would then style the hair of the female cast who weren't wearing wigs and also set some of the mens as well! 

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