I was lost but then I was found again.

"A La Pêche aux Moules" Geology Map of UK signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt. "Knock Knock" Map of London Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt .

"Ballon view of London" Map of London Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt.

Elisabeth Lecourt, born in France in 1972, now lives and works in London. Educated at Central Saint Martin's and achieving her Masters at the Royal College of Art in 2001, Lecourt exhibits in New York, Brussels, Madrid, Mexico, London and more.

Her head turning work includes her intriguing line of map-wear. She folds and cuts individual maps by region to produce clothes not to be worn but rather hung, mostly pleated parochial dresses and button-down shirts made out of modern maps. Universal by nature, her work is popular wherever shown. In 2004 summer "les robes géographiques travelled to Brussels, London, and New York and she was named 2004 Best Newcomer by BIDA, the British Interior Design Association.

I found these exquisite pieces of art while just searching through google for "map dresses" this wasn't just for a random reason (though I do suggest you do that from time to time some of the garments or items that come up are just beautiful or sometimes insane.) I'm looking at the milk maps which were used during the second world war by the military you can read about these said maps on two earlier posts. And I also briefly touched on the subway dress from Nordstrom. So while getting a few pieces on these maps to bulk up my research I came across Elizabeth Lecourt and I have to state that I am so glad I did, these garments are truly incredible obviously they are utterly impractical for actual use but just to look at they are stunning.

Though as many may expect that the dresses are my favourites of this genre of Elizabeth's work you would be wrong. My favourite piece by far is her shirt and its not because its a map of London ( though it is nice to know that I've actually been to some of the places on that map, but not nearly enough of them!) it'd because I just really adore shirts. The cut, structure and most importantly the collars and the detail which goes into the sleeves and buttons but I feel this shirt really speaks I suppose you would say it knows where its going in the world. I find the Idea of using a map for "the fabric" of a garment really interesting and its something I'm playing with the intention of for my final collection.

So would any of you like the idea of a playsuit with panels of maps on?
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  1. I love them! I wish they are silk printed on actual dresses that I could buy and wear. And if so, Elizabeth Lecourt, please make them plus sizes!

  2. wow amazing! i would wear one of those dresses, they look so lovely!
    i love your blog:)

  3. these are amazing! i especially like the last black and white dress, would deffinately wear it :)

  4. Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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  5. Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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Thank you! I try to read every comment I get and if I don't reply on here find me on twitter (@rosieroundface) and let me know!

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