I choo choo choose you.


Here's a tiny little outfit post of what I wore on valentines though if I'm really honest I don't like what valentines is, I'd possibly think differently if I was with someone. But I use valentines to make the most of my friends and I try and spend it with them. Last night I spent the evening with one of my best friends Lily we saw "Never let me go" I have to say it is one of the saddest films I've seen in such a long time, it's also utterly beautiful and Carrie Mulligan and Andrew Garfield just blew me away. I then watched the baftas with my Lily and endured screams whenever Colin Firth name was mentioned or he appeared on the screen though I actually loved it because when Rupert Grint appeared I was shouting as loudly! Then today was technically my day off but I did go into college to do some things I knew I wouldn't get done at home, so I spent my day with another best friend Emily of Calamity Jane.

Anyway now onto my pretty bland outfit It was more comfort and being practical for college (though the tights and skirt turned out to be pretty unpractical, damn you wind!) The striped top is actually a t-shirt dress from Dorothy Perkins and its really roomy and easy to wear. The skirt is also from Dorothy Perkins and was in the sale for about £3 and it was well worth the money I wear it all the time and the tights are also Dorothy Perkins oh and the cardigan! Can you tell there is one in my town and not much else?

This is one of my new brooches and isn't it just lovely. I saw it in the glass cabinet of my favourite charity shop for jewellery (seriously they get the best stuff) I have to say it adds a little spring in my step and its surprisingly detailed and I just adore it really. I also have another new brooch which my mum bought me a few weeks ago after being really ill, she knew how long I've been looking for a cameo brooch and she found one in yet another charity shop and bought it for me, which is of course awfully nice of her.

So on a final note I want to say to all my blogging friends happy valentines, but I thought no one could say it better than Ralph.

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