Strawberry Fields.

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A few weeks ago now I was contacted by the lovely people at Out There Interiors who asked if I'd like to review an item from a selection on there site and boy they have alot of choice! In all honesty there was a couple of pieces I loved including this rabbit lamp (how adorable!)  but as soon as I saw this mannequin I new it was calling my name. Being a fashion student and my current working mannequin being from the early Eigthies I was in need of one to snap photos on that stood up straight. This also came at the perfect time to take along to Twinwood Festival with work to wear some of our lovely sponsors pieces which you can see
on it here.

One thing I really love about this mannequin is that it actually fills out a size 14 dress which is the size of the lovely red one above from Lindy Bop and not forgetting the delicious strawberry print pinnie from Ulster Weavers. Of course being only a fashion mannequin it isn't a sample size of any kind and wouldn't be good for fitting clothing too but it just have the perfect use for showcasing pieces beautifully particularly with the darling toile like fabric that covers the bodice. I can't wait to finish decorating my room so this can take pride of place in the corner housing some of my necklaces and scarves!
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1 comment

  1. Wow, she's gorgeous (all mannequins are 'she' aren't they?). I use mine to pin accessories and scarves too, she's not as pretty as yours though!


Thank you! I try to read every comment I get and if I don't reply on here find me on twitter (@rosieroundface) and let me know!

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