Twinwood - Part One


I also got to meet the lovely Urban Butterfly  in the middle she's even more adorable in person!

Twinwood happened what feels like weeks ago now but I took so many photographs that I'm probably going to have to split them into 3 separate posts! Twinwood is a fabulous vintage event which is held over August bank holiday and this year I was lucky enough to go along as part of the Vintage Life team with work! I don't want to ramble to much as This is a very picture heavy post but after the first day being rainy and grey the rest of the weekend turned out to be pretty amazing! Not only did I get to meet readers of our Magazines of who I was one of until a year ago before working there but I got to see a number of fabulous bands including The Three Belles who I unfortunately didn't get to meet and the adorable Tootsie Rollers who you can see took a shine one of our boys from our new publication His Vintage Life Jimmy!

My next posts will feature my outfit for the last day and the evening outfit I was also lucky to be dressed in! I must also thank my lovely editor Rae for playing vintage hairdresser to us all over the weekend! My hasn't been as bouffant since!
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