Reading Space.

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Just a quick post from me today to show you my little reading corner/space which is really just the end of my bed but it's so full with cushions (my mild addiction, when I see a pretty on I just can't help myself!) it's perfect squishing into and getting lost within the pages of a good book. My cushions come from a number of places including charity shops, primark and good old Ikea, this is just a few from my large collection half are still in storage! The latest ones I've added are these lovely ones are from, somewhere I only thought did clothing and cute wellies they have a really cute selection of soft furnishings including this really lovely duvet cover set that I'm tempted by, it'd make a nice change from my childrens heart print one I currently have on my bed!

While I was at it I thought I'd show you my latest read and my new bookmark! (I'm easily pleased can you tell?) Now I picked this book up on holiday and it's one of the most weird,sad and ever so slightly disturbing stories I've ever read but also equally brilliant I couldn't put it down! My next step is to watch the film but I'm too worried I'll freak myself out!

And finally yes that is a One Direction cushion you can see in the background.... my mum bought it for me! But I did kind of ask her too....
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