This probably isn't a secret at all as I'm sure every girl/woman/lady knows that good shapewear can change the whole look of an outfit and how it fits, I also think shapewear can be sexy right? I mean surely people feel more confident when they know they look there best and after all isn't it often said that confidence in itself is actually really attractive and I see that shapewear is definitely classed as lingerie. All these images of plus size lingerie are from Simply Yours which is one of my favourite places to look for stylish shapewear.
my favorite piece out of these images is the middle one and I can totally see it being worn with a pencil skirt over and the bra section being on show as a top. It would give a kind of 1950's retro pin up style to the over all look. The whole shapewear collection from Simply Yours just comes across as really classy and stylish unlike some other companies pieces whose often resemble overly frilly knickers that stop right under your bust but don't actually hold anything in... I'm looking at your Mr Spencer...
Many parts of the shapewear collection come in a variety of colours and styles on Simply Yours so there is something to fit everyone's needs and tastes. I also love that the model on the image above and on the site seem to look like real women (even though I hate that term!) so its much easily to relate or envision yourself in the pieces.
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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