This is Simply Be's Five Decades of Fashion showing you what was leading fashion in the nineteen sixties and what is in our wardrobes now and even what we could be wearing in the future! It shows the clothing crazes people (primarily my mum) would like to be forgotten and definitive styles that changed our wardrobes and lives forever!
I have to admit being an avid vintage girl myself I utterly love this and find it so interesting.Though considering I wasn't born until the end of this step back through time (1993 in case you were wondering) I can't say I regret any of the styles as I wore whatever my mum shoved me in. I think the only trend the majority of people should regret is the dreaded shell suit and I know my mum was a fan in the eighties! You can check out the full piece here I had a lovely code so it would come up on my site but it won't work, sorry!
Infographic by Simply Be
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