which is one of my favourite old fashioned films.
of an old fashioned perfume bottle, complete with air puffer.
This is Ellie Goulding hauntingly beautiful cover of Elton Johns classic Your Song. This is just one of those songs that evokes so many emotions with in each and every person who listens to it. I have to admit i thought that the only descent cover of this was in Moulin Rouge but now I think this amazing take is actually much better, I have a inkling it's Ellie's voice that makes it so personal, like it's her own personal story and she's just telling it to you and no one else. I first heard this song on radio 1 on Fearne Cottons show and i froze in my tracks, i stopped everything i was doing and just sat there in with no distractions listening contently, to tell you the honest truth i was in total awe of the tones in Ellie's voice. I find her ghostly echo pretty amazing and put it to the right track (nothing for the more popesque market) her voice sounds delicate and inspiring.
I have to admit i used to sing a little and be my own person, my own voice I never tried to be someone else or any other singer, but i got knocked down a few to many times and now i find it incredibly hard to sing in front of anybody. This is why i love Ellie Goulding as well I mean does she honestly sound like any other singer at the moment? As far as i know she wasn't labelled "the new whoever" which in the music industry today happens a lot. I feel this song brings hope to my heart and soul. Yes i realise how corny that sounds but its the true and what are blogs for if not sometimes airing the truth, however stupid or embarrassing it sounds. Anyway back to the song itself it is now on the Christmas advert for John Lewis and we all know how beautifully done there past few adverts have been and how huge the songs on them have become.
this song is the kind that leaves you with goosebumps, which is a extremely good thing.
This video was taken by a rather wonderful person in the crowd, who also has a wonderful camera as this video is actually very well done. Me and My Cellulite is one of Paloma faith's new songs from her second album (which she hasn't even finished yet, she just wanted to test some of the songs out on us first before she put them on the album) and i have to say that i flipping love this song! It may have to become my own personal theme tune.
I also thing that personally Paloma is showing a healthy and normal view for women today instead of the generic outputs female artists portray. In fact i may love Paloma more than i love Beth Ditto, so this is a big deal. Right now i am sitting at my desk listening to "my legs are week" and just thinking how can anyone not love her powerful, unique and inspirational voice and lyrics.
I will get some of the photo's i took up as soon as possible as well as the shots the professionals took so you can see HOW AMAZING her costumes were! I'm still gutted that when i met her (yes you heard right, i did!) i forgot to ask her who designed them, instead i just babbled something about blogging, ooh the embarrassment. Anyway i should get some work done...