Dress:Asos Curve. Clutch:Next. Tights:Matalan. Heels: Charity Shop originally M&S.
I need your help my lovely readers! Do I keep this dress, I bought it from Asos yesterday and arrived today (hellloooo free next day delivery) I also bought the amazing floral print trousers I'd dreamt about but they look bloody awful on so I'm definitely sending those back! But this I'm no so sure about the more I've sat in it this evening the more it's grown on me though it was over priced for how thin the fabric is! I seriously need a slip of some kind under this but I don't really like them unless I could find one that was either not fitted to my legs or was like an all in one with shorts, any ideas?
I originally bought it with a party in mind! As I have one coming up in march and I wanted something comfortable to wear but knowing me I'll probably find something else nearer the time! This dress would also be really good for when I have to dress up in the summer but want to be comfortable it even looks cute with bare legs! I paired it with my charity shop heels which I love but cause me great pain (like any pairs of heels) and I also put my red clutch with it, my mum was kind enough to buy me this in the Next sale! I wanted to add a little colour to the outfit and as always wore a coloured lip, I've recently bought one of those lip tint felt tip things and I've got to say I totally love it, I can build the colour up gradually so it can easily be worn everyday!
So readers what do you think, keep or send back?!