Vintage Style and Victory Rolls.


Dress: Collectif Clothing. Bag:Vintage, thrifted. Hair flowers: H&M.

All images by Antony Cartwright.

A few weeks ago when all the glorious weather started (I'm getting sick of it now but come August when I'm away I'll miss the sunshine!) I went to one of my favourite vintage fairs. Vintage Village at Stockport, I believe it's usually the second Sunday of each month. Anyway if you're into vintage/retro finds its a must particularly if you don't live to far away. Because I'm so cool I always go with my folks. this time I didn't actually find anything myself to buy but my dad quite often does! 

Whenever we go I always try to pull out the more retro side of my personal style and because it's summer I finally broke out this dress I picked up in the Huge 50% off everything sale Collectif do a few times a year. (here's hoping it's about time for another one as I have a few things on my wishlist!)  I've had to alter it to fit me better but I expect that because I'm an awkward shape. It was warm that day so I thought it would be best to have my hair off my face but it had been so long since I did victory rolls on my own head I have to admit they aren't my best work! I'm also still surprised that I had any curl left in my hair when these photos were taken! Antony saw me with my folks and asked my dad if he could take my photograph because I was dressed up! My dad couldn't stop laughing seeing as I'm 25 now and you know what I'm glad Antony got some snaps for me because otherwise I wouldn't have any photos to show of the last time I looked half decent! However it has been so long since anyone took my photo I have to say I was more than a little rusty which is why my expression is bit resting bitch face! 
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